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Give to WVU

The Integrated Marketing Communications & Data Marketing Communications Scholarship Fund is a scholarship established in 2017 that was specifically designed for graduate students in the WVU Reed School of Media and Communications' IMC and Data programs. Every dollar donated goes directly towards scholarships for deserving students.

If you have any questions about this scholarship or are interested in learning more, please reach out to Chad Mezera at

Gifts by Cash/Check

Please make checks payable to WVU Foundation, include reference to "IMC & DMC Scholarship Fund" and mail to

     WVU Foundation, Inc.  
     Attn: Joshua Walters       
     WVU Reed School of Media and Communications     
     Martin Hall  
     1511 University Avenue  
     PO Box 6010  
     Morgantown, WV 26506

Online Gifts

Gifts also may be made through our online giving form. We accept American Express, MasterCard, VISA, Discover and Diners Club International. Please be sure to designate "IMC & DMC Scholarship Fund."

Maximizing Your Gift

You or your spouse may work for a company that matches employee gifts to higher education. These programs are a great way to maximize your support by doubling, or in some cases tripling, employees’ gifts. Please contact your employer for details.

Tax-Deductible Gifts

Year-end gifts must have a USPS postmark of December 31 or earlier to receive tax credit. The USPS postmark of December 31 or earlier is valid regardless of when we receive the check. Your personal tax advisor is the best resource for questions regarding how your tax-deductible contribution.