Rick Bebout
Technology Manager (304) 293-5736
Rick Bebout is a technology specialist; his primary responsibilities are to build and maintain all of the program’s graduate courses and support our online students and instructors.
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Cindy Hart
Assistant Dean of Online Programs (304) 293-3286
Cindy Hart is the assistant dean of online programs for the College of Creative Arts and Media.
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Aaron Hawley
Program Coordinator for MDMS (304) 293-3133
As the coordinator for the Multidisciplinary Studies major and the college’s minors, Hawley is responsible for all undergraduate online programs offered by the College of Media.
Read More: Aaron Hawley
Erica Lindsay
Director of Marketing and Communications 304-293-7016
Erica Lindsay is the director of marketing and communications for the WVU College of Creative Arts and Media. She manages the execution of the College’s IMC plan, the implementation of high-profile events and efforts to identify and produce stories.
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Brynne Myers
Admissions Consultant (304) 293-6278
As the admissions consultant, Brynne Myers is responsible for leading the student recruitment initiatives. She builds personal relationships with prospective students to deliver exceptional customer service through diverse communication channels.
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Benson Njoroge
Instructional Designer 304-293-5744
Benson is an instructional designer at WVU College of Creative Arts and Media. His role is to design dynamic, engaging, and innovative instructional materials.
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Andy Pickens
Multimedia Specialist (304) 293-9442
Andy Pickens is a proud alumnus of West Virginia University. Pickens is the multimedia specialist for the Marketing Communications online programs.
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Wendy Ridenour
Online Programs Graduate Advisor 304-293-8683
Wendy Ridenour is the academic advisor for WVU College of Creative Arts and Media Online Programs.
Read More: Wendy Ridenour