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Stay ahead of the changing marketing communications landscape with a fully online, flexible master’s degree in Data, Digital or Integrated Marketing Communications.

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Degree Options

Our Bachelor's degree in Integrated Marketing Communications and Master's degrees in Data, Digital and Integrated Marketing Communications are built for you to succeed in your career. Learn more about our degree options.

M.S. Data Marketing Communications

Learn how to interpret data to customize both the message and the audience. The Data program is totally online and can be completed in 18 months.

Learn More: M.S. Data Marketing Communications

M.S. Digital Marketing Communications

Learn how to meet your audiences where they are through SEO, organic and paid search, display marketing, social media marketing, marketing automation, content marketing, multi-channel analytics and desktop and mobile user experiences.

Learn More: M.S. Digital Marketing Communications

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications

Every organization in every industry in every part of the world needs professional communicators. WVU’s top-ranked online IMC program not only prepares you for that career, but connects you with those organizations.

Learn More: M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications

B.S. Integrated Marketing Communications

If you enjoy being creative, analyzing people’s behaviors, and telling stories through a variety of media (think social media, video, digital advertising and more), this is the degree for you.

Learn More: B.S. Integrated Marketing Communications

B.S. + M.S. in Five Years

Students enrolled in WVU College of Creative Arts and Media undergraduate majors including Advertising and Public Relations, Journalism or Integrated Marketing Communications can schedule master's degree courses in their senior year that count as both electives toward their bachelor's degree and credits toward a master's degree, allowing you to finish both degrees in just five years.

Learn more about the 4+1 program

Careers in Marketing Communications

  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Content Director
  • Marketing Manager
  • Creative Director
  • Founder/President/CEO
  • Vice President of Marketing
  • Marketing Communication Manager
  • Brand Manager
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Search Marketing Strategist
  • Chief Experience Manager
  • Data Analytics Manager
  • Chief Strategy Officer

Gain a Competitive Advantage

98% of alumni said they felt more competitive and/or received a promotion upon completing their master's degree. WVU's online degrees in Marketing Communications will not only give you the skills needed. As a nationally-recognized program, you'll stand out against the competition.

Graduate Certificates

Our specialized certificates are a perfect way to continue your education and stay on top of the latest marketing communications trends. Certificate programs are 12 credits (4 courses) and can be started in the early fall, early spring or summer session.

Creative Strategy

Whether you love content creation, visual art or both, this graduate certificate will help you develop the skills needed to deliver great content to a variety of consumers.

Learn More: Creative Strategy

Data Marketing Communications

Learn to use a data-driven approach to bridge the gap between communicators and data scientists and implement and refine strategic marketing communications activities.

Learn More: Data Marketing Communications

Digital and Social Media

From social media best practices to search engine optimization, from web metrics to developing a broader digital ad strategy, learn the skills needed to thrive as a digital and social media specialist.

Learn More: Digital and Social Media

Healthcare Communications

The healthcare field is an ever-changing and competitive industry - learn best practices for developing healthcare communication campaigns using integrated marketing strategies.

Learn More: Healthcare Communications

Higher Education Marketing

Learn how to utilize integrated marketing communications strategies for student recruitment and institutional branding initiatives. Develop IMC campaigns that are rooted in data and analysis.

Learn More: Higher Education Marketing

Integrated Marketing Communications

Get a broad overview of IMC, focusing on the study of emerging media and the market, including audience insight, and brand equity management. Learn new skills and polish old ones in this rapidly changing field.

Learn More: Integrated Marketing Communications

Public Relations Leadership

Be prepared to lead a company's public relations department or run your own PR firm. Gain practical knowledge, learn data-minded analysis and get hands-on experience in both client- and agency-related public relations.

Learn More: Public Relations Leadership

Let's Chat

We're here for you every step of the way ... we'll answer your questions, help with your applications for graduate school and financial support, schedule your classes, provide tech support, welcome you for graduation and keep in touch once you cross the finish line.

At the Office

Marketing Communications Online Programs
WVU Media Innovation Center
62 Morrill Way, Fl 4
Morgantown, WV 26506

By Phone

(304) 293-6278

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