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Archie Sader

Former Partner in a Global Advertising Agency

Archie Sader is a former partner in a global advertising agency, clients included NFL Properties, Business Week, Standard and Poor's, NBA Properties and other leading firms in sports marketing, financial services and publishing.

Sader has been a successful leader in industry on both sides of the desk…agency and client… prior to entering academia. Archie served as Partner of a major global advertising agency, Tatham-Laird and Kudner (acquired by Euro RSCG) and then President of a mid-sized IMC agency in New York (Sader and Associates, Inc.). His clients included National Football League Properties, Business Week, Standard and Poor’s, NBA Properties and other leading firms in sports marketing, financial services and publishing.

On the client side, Sader served in a sales position for Dow and was direct marketing manager for Gerber and Reader’s Digest.

Sader was the first Director of the IMC program at West Virginia University and also served WVU as Assistant Vice President, Integrated Marketing Services. He also served Eastern Michigan University as Director of their graduate IMC program. In addition to his administrative responsibilities at these two universities, he taught the IMC courses in Direct Marketing, Media Planning and Campaigns.

Sader attended the first IMC Symposium, a research conference with IMC leaders from Northwestern University, University of North Carolina, University of Denver, University of Colorado, University of Kansas as well as key industry leaders. He was a contributing author to the outcome of the symposium, “A White Paper on the Status, Scope and Future of IMC.”

Sader earned an A.B. in Economics from the University of Michigan and an MBA in Marketing from the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University.

Sader and his wife, Alfreda, live in Ann Arbor, MI. When not teaching, conducting research or practicing IMC, his favorite activities are cycling, photography and vegetable gardening.

I believe Professor Sader provided the most feedback that was both critical and positive than any IMC professor I have had thought my studies. Professor Sader says specifically what was done well so you know you're on the right track, and he says where you missed an opportunity to expound upon a topic more or need additional assistance in understanding the material. I also appreciate how willing he is to provide guidance back and forth to make sure a concept is understood by the student.

Professor Sader was the most engaged professor I've had in the program. He was knowledgeable, engaged and ultimately pushed me harder than any others. I highly recommend him and am thankful I was able to learn under his leadership.

Professor Sader took one-on-one calls with me during the semester to assist me with my final campaign. This one-on-one care was very helpful for me and helped my project progress in the right direction.