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Celebrating 20 Years of WVU IMC

Mara Lambert

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications | 2019
Charleston, WV
Communications Representative, Mountaineer Gas Company
What is your proudest marketing communications moment?
Becoming the lead communications representative for the largest natural gas distribution company in the state of West Virginia before turning 30. I’ve worked very hard to build a career in communications & my determination has paid off!
What is your superlative?
Most Likely To “Have a spreadsheet for that” 

My friends and coworkers know that if a spreadsheet can be made for a task, I’ll have one done. Organization is one of the keys to success, and spreadsheets provide that key!
Quote you live by
“Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Favorite Class in the Program