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Celebrating 20 Years of WVU IMC

Nathan Pieratt

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications | 2013
Cato, NY
Creative Director, Impel
What is your proudest marketing communications moment?
I had the privilege of working with a very talented designer who had a strong mind for creative strategy. I shared the WVU IMC program with her and encouraged her to enroll. She is now a WVU IMC alumni, and with the help of this degree rapidly rose from a designer into the role of VP of marketing for a major brand. I am extremely proud of her and of the IMC WVU program.
What is your superlative?
Most likely to be quick with a word of encouragement.
Quote you live by
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston S. Churchill
Favorite Class in the Program Favorite Faculty Member in the Program