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Data Courses

We're always evolving course content to meet the needs of our dynamic industry. As a Data Marketing Communications student, you will take 10 three-credit courses, totaling the 30 credit hours required for graduation. You will also progress through the program as a cohort, taking courses alongside classmates in a sequential order that pairs courses that complement one another.

Introduction to Data Marketing Communications

In this Data Marketing Communications intro course, students explore database marketing, loyalty programs, financial and marketing metrics, audience targeting and segmentation, data for digital marketing, data visualization and marketing automation.

Read More: Introduction to Data Marketing Communications

Audience Segmentation

Explore demographic data and other key indicators that can inform successful campaigns, and which data best serve the development of unique market segments to support specific marketing communication goals.

Read More: Audience Segmentation

Brand Data Collection and Visualization

Examine the benefits of mining your own brand data for insights that could influence marketing communications decisions with an emphasis on how that data can be presented visually to key stakeholders.

Read More: Brand Data Collection and Visualization

Campaign Metrics and Assessment

Explore how data informs key performance indicators that define a campaign’s success. Students examine how metrics can rely on data for maximum benefit and survey available metrics and assessment platforms.

Read More: Campaign Metrics and Assessment

Campaign Planning and Programmatic Media Buying

Examine the automated media buying landscape with a focus on the risks, rewards and tools used. Explore software platforms available for automated buying to understand the connection between how data input affects media buying output.

Read More: Campaign Planning and Programmatic Media Buying

Data Management Platforms

Explore database platforms and how data can be analyzed to develop specialized and highly targeted marketing communications. Examine the relative merits of various platforms based on their specific needs.

Read More: Data Management Platforms

Message Customization

Examines how data enables marketing communicators to customize messages to target audiences as small as a single consumer. Students will examine how to motivate consumers by provided brand communications that are relevant, timely and personal.

Read More: Message Customization

Messaging for Customer Relationship Management

This Data course examines how data is leveraged for communications intended to retain current customers and acquire new ones.

Read More: Messaging for Customer Relationship Management

Social Media Optimization

Examine how data from social media can be leveraged to ensure marketing communications messages reach intended target audiences. Students explore gathering data from social media and customizing messages for maximum impact.

Read More: Social Media Optimization

Data Marketing Communications Campaigns

In this Data capstone course, students develop a cohesive marketing communications campaign that demonstrates both a conceptual and practical mastery of data driven marketing communications. (Must be completed in a student's final academic term)

Read More: Data Marketing Communications Campaigns