Top Three Course Takeaways
- How to create more effective communications strategies based on internal or psychological influences that impact consumer decision-making.
- How to create more effective communications strategies based on external or sociological influences that impact consumer decision-making.
- An appreciation for the importance of ethnography as a research method to better understand consumers and the ability to create an ethnography proposal.
Course Topics
- Buying, Having and Being / Consumer and Social Well-Being / Practical
Ethnography and Theory
- Perception / Learning and Memory / Ethical Ethnography
- Motivation and Affect / The Self / Managing Private-Sector Ethnography
and Clients
- Personality / Lifestyles and Values / Attitudes and Persuasive Communications
/ Ethnographic Tools and Reporting
- Decision Making / Buying, Using and Disposing / Ethnographic Sampling and Fieldwork
- Groups and Social Media / Income and Social Class / Ethnographic Analysis
and Beyond
- Subcultures / Cultures