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Celebrating 20 Years of WVU IMC

Emma Magruder

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications | 2023* 🤞
Wheeling, WV
Graduate Assistant, West Virginia University
What is your proudest marketing communications moment?
My proudest marcom moment is finishing my first course! I took my first course with the programs while finishing my undergraduate degree, and the course moved at a different pace and style than a traditional, in-person class. It was one of my favorite courses I've ever taken, and my final project is something I'm proud to put in my portfolio!
What is your superlative?
Most likely to win trivia night.
Quote you live by
"It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do." — Jane Austen in Sense & Sensibility
Favorite Class in the Program Favorite Faculty Member in the Program