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Direct and Digital Marketing

IMC 516

This course is offered in:

Top Three Course Takeaways

  1. How to use direct and digital marketing to gain leads and sales and optimize long-term customer value.
  2. How to segment markets and target specific groups and individuals.
  3. How to integrate course learning in a professional-level marketing plan.

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Direct/Digital Marketing
  • Research, Analysis, Testing and Budgeting
  • Consumer Analysis, Lists and Offer Strategies
  • Direct/Digital Marketing Databases/CRM
  • Message Strategies and Creative Applications
  • Media Strategies and Budget Allocation
  • Putting it all Together: The Direct and Digital Marketing Plan

WORKLOAD:   (8-10 hours per week)

You’ll explore direct and digital marketing from an IMC perspective including database marketing, direct and digital message strategies across multiple media, direct and digital marketing metrics, and the role of direct and digital marketing in IMC campaigns.

Course Learning Outcomes:

  • Define and segment target markets based on marketing communications objectives.
  • Demonstrate the importance of databases and their use in CRM.
  • Understand the role of creative strategy and identify promotional tactics commonly used in the field.
  • Demonstrate how the results of direct and digital marketing campaigns can be measured and applied.
  • Plan and propose a direct and digital marketing campaign, including budget allocation and justification.

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Direct and Digital Marketing Instructors

Azzaro headshot
Marian Azzaro Professor Emeritus of Integrated Marketing Communications Read More: Azzaro
Beatty headshot
Kevin Beatty Marketing Executive, B2B Technology Industry Read More: Beatty