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IMC Campaigns

IMC 536

This course is required in:

Top Three Course Takeaways

  1. Strengthen critical analysis skills to define and solve a marketing problem.
  2. Define and deploy SMART objectives, strategies, and tactics across marketing channels.
  3. Build a complete IMC marketing plan for a major brand.

Course Topics - Provided Client

  • Campaign Introduction, Owned, Earned and Paid Media Review Concepts and Learning about the Brand
  • Defining Your Target Audience
  • Marketing Goals, IMC Objectives and Strategies
  • IMC Assets: Integrated Communications Strategy Statement, Media Assets and Other Tools
  • Owned and Earned Strategies and Tactics
  • Paid Media Strategies
  • Measurement Strategies, Executive Summary and Conclusion

Course Topics - Selected Client

  • Learning About Your Client – Marketing Goal(s); IMC Campaign Objectives; Target Audience; Budget
  • Structuring Your IMC Plan – Justifying Your Budget; Research Concept Statements
  • Brand Positioning, Integrated Communication Strategy Statement
  • The Campaign Message
  • Media (communication) Planning: Objectives, Strategies, Rationale
  • Media (communication) Planning: Tactics, Budget
  • Touch Point Creative Executions
  • Evaluation, Executive Summary and Conclusion

WORKLOAD:   (10-12 hours per week)

IMC Campaigns is the capstone experience for the integrated marketing communications master's degree program. Students produce a comprehensive campaign plan for a real-world client. This course must be completed in a student's final academic term. The best final campaign submissions may be featured in the program’s online IMC Student Portfolio.

Course Learning Outcomes:

  • Conduct comprehensive background research to guide integrated marketing communications strategic planning.
  • Establish clear goals and objectives relevant to business and integrated marketing communications problems.
  • Identify and apply integrated marketing strategies and tactics to meet marketing objectives.
  • Develop an evaluation plan to measure and communicate campaign effectiveness.
  • Design a strategic integrated marketing communications plan that includes a variety of strategies and tactics.

Final Campaign

The final campaigns require that students write a complete IMC campaign and execute the creative work required to carry out that campaign. This includes:

  • Researching a client, target markets and competition (primary and secondary).
  • Developing an integrated communications strategy statement.
  • Designing communication objectives and tactics.
  • Developing advertising, social media, public relations, internal communications and other creative pieces.
  • Developing a series of evaluation methods designed to demonstrate the results of a campaign. This should also include a plan for pre-execution research.

View Full IMC Course Listing

IMC Campaigns Instructors

Davenport headshot
Britt Davenport President and Chief Executive at Brand Urbanity Read More: Davenport
Harris headshot
Bonnie Harris IMC Consultant with more than 20 years of experience Read More: Harris
Leger headshot
Lynne Leger Senior Vice President, Goodwill Retail & Business Services Read More: Leger
Mercado headshot
Misty Mercado Executive Communications Advisor to Fortune 1000 Corporate Leaders Read More: Mercado