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Digital Courses

We're always evolving course content to meet the needs of our dynamic industry. As a Digital Marketing Communications student, you will take 10 three-credit courses, totaling the 30 credit hours required for graduation. There are a few ways you can progress through the Digital program: in a one-year accelerated format, full-time to finish in 18 months or part-time, taking one course at at time to finish in 24 months.

Required Courses

Introduction to Digital Marketing Communication

In this Digital introductory course, students explore the fundamentals of digital media and the latest methods for collecting, creating and disseminating persuasive messages through digital media channels. (Must be completed in student's first semester)

Read More: Introduction to Digital Marketing Communication

Audience Segmentation

Explore demographic data and other key indicators that can inform successful campaigns, and which data best serve the development of unique market segments to support specific marketing communication goals.

Read More: Audience Segmentation

Campaign Metrics and Assessment

Explore how data informs key performance indicators that define a campaign’s success. Students examine how metrics can rely on data for maximum benefit and survey available metrics and assessment platforms.

Read More: Campaign Metrics and Assessment

Customer Engagement Ethics and Strategy

Examine contemporary content strategies for engaging customers through the channels and at the times they prefer. Facilitate customer journeys that provide seamless user experience and path to purchase utilizing omnichannel marketing strategies.

Read More: Customer Engagement Ethics and Strategy

Digital Storytelling

Explore advanced thinking and strategies for concepting, developing and promoting digital content used in product marketing and anchored in brand storytelling. Create visual content that reaches targeted audiences across various channels.

Read More: Digital Storytelling

Digital Marketing Communication Campaigns

This course is the capstone experience for the digital marketing communications master's degree program.

Read More: Digital Marketing Communication Campaigns

Elective Courses

Students choose three of the following options:

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in IMC

Examine how brands are using transformational AR and VR platforms to expand customer interaction and build brand affinity. Explore how brands have effectively combined these technologies as part of a larger marketing communications approach.

Read More: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in IMC

Emerging Media and the Market

Explore how modern industry uses novel technologies to enhance the integrated marketing communications process. Students examine the creative and ethical issues unique to emerging media.

Read More: Emerging Media and the Market

Mobile Marketing

Create real-life mobile campaigns in the ever-changing wireless industry, discuss keys to establishing a competitive advantage, and examine emerging trends that impact strategic marketing communications planning.

Read More: Mobile Marketing

Social Media and Marketing

Examine the latest strategies for monitoring and engaging consumers in social media from a marketing perspective. Explore popular platforms that brands use to connect with, engage and analyze target audiences. (Includes two Meltwater certifications)

Read More: Social Media and Marketing

Web Metrics and SEO

Examine how marketers strategically gather online information to measure traffic, engagement and potential impact on ROI. Explore search engine optimization (SEO) and social media optimization (SMO) strategies used to build a presence for clients.

Read More: Web Metrics and SEO

Production Courses

Students choose one of the following courses:

Digital Video Production

Learn the technical, conceptual and creative skills needed to create and add videos into IMC campaigns. Gain hands-on experience shooting and producing their own engaging video.

Read More: Digital Video Production

Podcast Production & Promotion

This course will focus on the essential skills for podcast production and promotion. Students will learn how to record, edit, and publish a professional podcast.

Read More: Podcast Production & Promotion