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Online Adjunct Instructor Application

The West Virginia University College of Creative Arts and Media invites candidates interested in fully-online adjunct instructor positions to apply through the link below.

Overview of Online Programs

The College of Creative Arts and Media currently offers the following programs in a fully-online format:

* Graduate Programs

In addition to the above master's degree programs, the college offers seven graduate certificates and specializations in Creative Strategy, Data Marketing Communications, Digital and Social Media, Healthcare Marketing, Higher Education Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Music Industry, and Public Relations Leadership.

* Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Major:

Undergraduate Minors:

* Microcredential/Non-Degree/Professional Certificate Programs

In addition to degree-pursuant programs, the college is developing non-credential courses and professional certificate programs through a microcredential initiative. Prospective instructors with highly specialized expertise in industry-relevant practices critical to today's industry practitioners are encouraged to apply and identify your interest in exploring opportunities in developing and teaching non-credit courses through this new initiative.

More information on our current professional certificates can be found online at

Current & Projected Online Adjunct Opportunities

Current and projected online instructional needs are specified below. However, highly qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for any course offered in our programs, including courses that are not specifically identified below (see links above for undergraduate and graduate course listings). Instructional opportunities listed below are non-tenure track adjunct positions that are entirely online. Relocation is not required.

* Graduate Online Course Development + Teaching Opportunities

Applications to lead the development and instruction of a new course in the following content area(s) are currently being accepted. Candidates must have high-level practitioner experience in leadership roles directly related to the topic area, as well as relevant academic credentials. The ideal candidate will have prior successful experience with online course content design and pedagogy.

    • NEW COURSE - Nonprofit Marketing Communications & Philanthropy
      • This course will examine the characteristics of nonprofit organizations, their fundraising needs and what motivates people to participate in philanthropic activities in support of an organization. Key topics include prospect research and identification, campaign planning, solicitation techniques, ethical considerations with fundraising, and grant proposal writing.
* Graduate Online Adjunct Opportunities

There is a current need for qualified candidates with high-level industry experience to teach and maintain content as subject matter expert in the following course(s):

M.S. Data Marketing Communications

  • DMC 572 - Campaign Planning and Programmatic Media Buying
    • This course examines the automated media buying landscape with a focus on the tools used, risks and rewards of automated media buys. Students explore software platforms available for automated buying to understand the connection between how data input affects media buying output.
M.S. Digital Marketing Communications
    • DMC 561 - Audience Segmentation
      • This course examines how data can be used to break down mass markets into specific, reachable target markets. Students explore demographic data and other key indicators that can inform successful campaigns, and which data best serve the development of unique market segments to support specific marketing communication goals.
    M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
    • IMC 519 - Emerging Media and the Market
      • This course explores how modern industry uses novel technologies to enhance the integrated marketing communications process. Students examine the creative and ethical issues unique to emerging media.
    • IMC 541 - Social Media and Marketing
      • This course examines the latest strategies for monitoring and engaging consumers in social media from a marketing perspective. Students explore popular platforms that brands use to connect with, engage and analyze target audiences.

    Opportunities may become available in the upcoming academic year for qualified candidates with high-level industry experience and an interest in teaching and maintaining content as subject matter expert in the following graduate online course(s):

    M.S. Data Marketing Communications

      • No opportunities anticipated at this time.
    M.S. Digital Marketing Communication

    • DMC 573 - Campaign Metrics and Assessment
      • This course explores how data informs key performance indicators that define a campaign’s success. Students examine how metrics can rely on data for maximum benefit and survey available metrics and assessment platforms.

    • IMC 530 - Sports Marketing
      • This course explores integrated marketing communications within the sports industry. Students analyze the field's key differentiators, including consumers (fans and participants), endorsements, sponsorships, and consumption and usage patterns.
    * Undergraduate Online Course Development + Teaching Opportunities
      Applications to lead the development and instruction of a new course in the following content area(s) are currently being accepted. Candidates must have high-level practitioner experience in leadership roles directly related to the topic area, as well as relevant academic credentials. The ideal candidate will have prior successful experience with online course content design and pedagogy.
        • NEW COURSE - ADPR 450 - Audience Psychology and Behavior
          • This course is designed to be an introduction to the underlying theories and research that influence strategic communication and explain how strategic communication affects audiences. The course will focus on individual-oriented theories in communication, advertising, public relations, psychology and marketing. More specifically, students will be acquainted with a variety of theoretical perspectives in audience perception, learning, memory, attitudes, and behavior.
        • UPDATED COURSE - IMC 315 - Strategic Advertising and Public Relations Writing
          • This class provides exposure to and practice in developing the kinds of writing required in advertising and public relations careers.
      * Undergraduate Online Adjunct Opportunities

      There is a current need for qualified candidates with high-level industry experience to teach and maintain content as subject matter expert in the following course(s):

        • ADPR 403 - Media Planning/Strategy
          • Theory, evaluation and selection of advertising media for a variety of market situations. Market analysis, media characteristics, sources of media data, and development of a media plan.
        • ADPR 438 - Branded Content & Narrative
          • This course provides an introduction into how the role of content is evolving in the modern marketing communications landscape and how to apply different types of content generation to new and traditional channels. Additional topics cover the pros and cons of content marketing vs. traditional marketing communication strategies.

      Opportunities may become available in the upcoming academic year for qualified candidates with high-level industry experience and an interest in teaching and maintaining content as subject matter expert in the following undergraduate online course(s)/sequences:

      • Event Planning Minor
        • PR 436 - Event Planning
          • This course offers an exploration of the foundations of event planning including an examination of the uses and purposes of events to clients.
        • PR 437 - Event Promotion
          • This course offers an examination of the issues facing events and the promotional tactics used to ensure they are successful.
        • PR 438 - Event Execution
          • This course offers an application of knowledge of how events operate and an examination of what tactics can lead to success.
      • Strategic Social Media Minor
        • JRL 432 - Social Media Strategy
          • This course examines how social media channels can be utilized to meet the goals of corporate, non-profit, political and issue based outreach messaging.
        • JRL 433 - Social Media Applications
          • This course examines how messages can be crafted for maximum success and reach in the social media landscape. Students will explore different methods for monitoring and measurement, explore current trends in social media and examine case studies of successful social media integration across multiple platforms.
        • JRL 434 - Social Media Campaigns
          • This course examines case studies where social media was used successfully in instances of promotion, outreach and crisis communication.

      Online Adjunct Instructor Application Process & Qualifications

      Online adjunct teaching positions strongly prefer candidates who possess a terminal degree (master’s or doctoral) in a closely related discipline, along with significant related professional experience. Candidates who possess a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline along with substantial, highly-specialized industry experience will also be considered.

      This application opened July 3, 2024 and will remain open until approximately December 1, 2024 or until all projected Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 course needs are filled.

      Tips for Success: Application for online adjunct positions is extremely competitive , with hundreds of applications submitted and reviewed each year (note that there were 671 applications received and reviewed in 2023). To be most competitive, applicants are strongly encouraged to include a brief but thoughtful cover letter that clearly identifies their specific teaching interest (including specific courses/subjects for which they are applying to teach), why they would be most qualified to teach those courses/subjects (based on practitioner experience and academic credentials), and their motivation/purpose for pursuing an online adjunct teaching assignment with the WVU Reed College of Media. Additionally, candidates interested in being considered to develop and teach a new professional certificate through our microcredential initiative are strongly encouraged to include a brief description of a possible non-credit course(s) they would be interested and uniquely qualified to develop.

      Review of applications occurs on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Qualified candidates may be contacted for an interview at any time during the application year when a possible course opportunity in his/her expressed interest or professional area becomes available. Unfortunately, due to the sheer volume of applications, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Applications submitted through the online form will remain active only for the calendar year in which they are submitted. Compensation is established on a per-course schedule and is variable based on course enrollment. Adjunct positions are not benefits eligible.

      Candidates that are not selected for an interview or are interviewed but not selected for a course in the calendar year in which they applied are encouraged to reapply in any subsequent calendar year as enrollment patterns and the instructional needs of the college change from year to year.

      For questions about online adjunct teaching positions in the WVU College of Creative Arts and Media, please contact the Assistant Dean of Online Programs, Chad Mezera, at

      Required Application Materials:

      To be considered for online adjunct teaching opportunities, please complete the online application form and attach a single Word or PDF document that contains your 1) cover letter and 2) resume/CV. In your cover letter, be sure to connect your professional experience and teaching strengths/experience as it relates to the courses you are applying to teach at WVU. As a student-focused, practitioner-oriented academic program, we seek dynamic instructors who actively engage with students and are leaders in their respective fields, so please tell us what you will bring into the online classroom to ensure a valuable, interactive learning experience for your students.

      Adjunct Instructor Application

      About the West Virginia University and Reed College of Media:

      At West Virginia University, we pride ourselves on a tireless endeavor for achievement. We are home to some of the most passionate, innovative minds in the country who push their limits for the sake of progress, constantly moving the world forward. Our students, faculty and staff make this institution one of the best out there, and we are proud to stand as one voice, one university, one WVU. Find out more about your opportunities as a Mountaineer at

      West Virginia University is proud to be an Equal Opportunity employer, and is the recipient of an NSF ADVANCE award for gender equity. The University values diversity among its faculty, staff, and students, and invites applications from all qualified applicants regardless of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, nationality, genetics, disability, or Veteran status.