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Top Three Course Takeaways

  1. What social media marketing is and how to utilize social media strategically for the industry.
  2. How to create a social media marketing plan from start to finish.
  3. How to strategically and creatively execute ideas for a social media marketing plan.

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Social Media
  • Building a Strategic Social Media Framework
  • Social Media Listening and Monitoring
  • Understanding the Social Media Channels
  • Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned Media
  • Measurement Metrics to Quantify Success
  • Ethics and Legal Implications: Truth, Trust and Transparency

WORKLOAD:   (8-10 hours per week)

In this course, you will complete the following industry certification:
HubSpot Social Media Marketing Certification

This course examines the latest strategies for monitoring and engaging consumers in social media from a marketing perspective. Students explore popular platforms that brands use to connect with, engage and analyze target audiences.

Course Learning Outcomes:

  • Discover the difference between listening and monitoring on social media.
  • Demonstrate how consumers interact socially, via word-of-mouth, and how information spreads/diffuses over social networks.
  • Interpret how to evaluate the effectiveness and ROI of a social media plan using appropriate and informative metrics for tracking performance.
  • Analyze ethical and legal implications when integrating social media into marketing communications.
  • Develop a comprehensive social media marketing plan for a company or brand.

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Social Media and Marketing Instructors

Drake headshot
Whitney Drake Senior Manager of GM Brand and Story Bureau at General Motors Read More: Drake
Freberg headshot
Karen Freberg Associate Professor and Author Read More: Freberg
Meisner headshot
Tod Meisner Sr Public Affairs Analyst - State Farm Read More: Meisner
Wilson headshot
Laura Wilson Senior Vice President in Social Media and Emerging Platforms Practice at Weber Shandwick Read More: Wilson