Kevin Beatty
Marketing Executive, B2B Technology Industry Teaches Campaign Metrics and Assessment
Kevin Beatty is a versatile marketing leader with over 20 years of B2B and technology industry experience leading teams in the areas of marketing and brand strategy, product marketing and management and training.
Read More: BeattyDan Dipiazzo
Chief Marketing and Experience Officer at Georgia Aquarium Teaches Introduction to Data Marketing Communications, Message Customization and Marketing Research and Analysis
Dan Dipiazzo is an accomplished professional with more than 30 years of experience in marketing and communications.
Read More: DipiazzoKevin Doe Crowsyn
Digital Marketing Strategist, Speaker, and US Army Recruiting Professional Teaches Emerging Media and The Market
Kevin Doe Crowsyn is a digital marketing professional and US Army Master Sergeant with over 20 years of professional experience.
Read More: Doe CrowsynBrian Fickel
Senior Communications Executive and Advisor Teaches Executive Communications and Leadership
Brian Fickel is a passionate executive communications advisor, spokesperson, and speechwriter with over 15 years of experience in strategic communications and public relations.
Read More: FickelCyndi Greenglass
President at Livingston Strategies Teaches Marketing Research and Analysis
Cyndi W. Greenglass is a founding partner and president at Livingston Strategies, a data-informed, strategic consulting firm that helps clients develop, execute, and measure their customer communications with a close focus on results.
Read More: GreenglassMarissa Lemar
Communications Consultant with Deloitte Teaches Brand Equity Management
Marissa Lemar is a communications professional with 15 years of experience leading teams in marketing and digital communications across the public and private sectors.
Read More: LemarMisty Mercado
Executive Communications Advisor to Fortune 1000 Corporate Leaders Teaches IMC Campaigns
Misty Mercado is a passionate executive communications advisor, marketing strategist, and public affairs specialist with over 25 years of experience in marketing and strategic communications.
Read More: MercadoMatthew Muetzel
Director of Digital and Marketing Operations at Aimmune Therapeutics Teaches Audience Insight
Muetzel is a versatile integrated marketing leader who brings a wide range of digital experiences from Fortune 500 companies across the pharmaceutical, medical device, and retail sectors.
Read More: MuetzelKaren Naumann
Program Manager at U.S. Department of Homeland Security Teaches Crisis Communication
Karen Naumann, APR, PMP is a senior Instructor at the U.S. Department of Defense Information School, where she trains public affairs officers for the United States' fleet and field.
Read More: NaumannWill Oechsler
Senior Vice President, U.S. for Our Daily Bread Ministries Teaches Audience Insight
Will Oechsler is the senior vice president of U.S. operations for Our Daily Bread Ministries headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI.
Read More: OechslerTJ Ortega
Communication Manager at Fearless Teaches Introduction to IMC
TJ Ortega is a highly motivated Navy Veteran providing critical public relations and strategic communications counsel to the C-Suite and senior-level officials.
Read More: OrtegaBob Sukys
Founder and Director at BrandMine Teaches Brand Equity Management
As Founder and Director of BrandMine, Bob Sukys’ focus is on consulting and training practices in branding, marketing and consumer communication, and creating and managing best practices for advertising production.
Read More: SukysRyan Wagner
Manager of Customer Narrative at John Deere Teaches Introduction to IMC
Ryan Wagner is an experienced media development, storytelling and marketing professional with more than 20 years of experience in broadcast, public relations, marketing, social/digital media, management and leadership.
Read More: WagnerJosh Wilson
Senior Vice President of Marketing for Whitefish Credit Union Teaches Campaign Metrics and Assessments and Market Research and Analysis
Josh Wilson is an award-winning marketing professional with more than 10 years of experience in financial institutions and government. He is passionate about combining data-driven marketing strategies with authentic content to provide measurable success.
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