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Meet the Class of Spring 2022


Meet the Class of Spring 2022

At the conclusion of each semester, the WVU Marketing Communications Online Programs are excited to celebrate our graduates. Meet some of the members of the class of Spring 2022 who have successfully completed their studies!

Allison Akers

Allison Akers

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Digital Marketing Manager at Vision Technologies
Annapolis, MD

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

We've all learned just how resilient we can be through a pandemic. You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. And if you think you can't — come talk to me and I'll support you through to "I think I can"!

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

I am a better marketer and better employee because of this program. I can't speak highly enough about all the classes and professors in this program nurturing us to become the most well-rounded, strategic, informed, dedicated marketers possible. Not to mention the important time management and life skills I learned along the way.

I climbed that Master's mountain and came out a #WVUMountaineer — one of my greatest accomplishments yet.

Mike Benning

Robert Benning

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Hanger Clinic

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I was in my marketing role for over 5 years and I recognized a few blind spots that I needed to address if I wanted to advance my career. I believed in the need for an integrated marketing and communications strategy, and I recognized the benefits that this could provide a company. I was accepted into several IMC programs and I ultimately chose WVU because it provided the most-established IMC program and the largest alumni network.

What was your favorite course and why?

All of my courses were thought-provoking and provided a sense of personal growth.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Be prepared to dedicate about 20-25 hours per week to gain the most benefit from this program.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

The WVU IMC program has opened my eyes to several untapped opportunities. Being a member of the disabled community and having my Master's degree in Integrated Marketing and Communications will help me be a valuable resource for companies who want to grow or improve their marketing efforts with the disabled population.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

There are so many IMC courses that I still want to take! I am looking forward to furthering my education by taking IMC courses at reduced rates as an alumnus.

David Corbett

David Corbett

Digital & Social Media Graduate Certificate
Assistant Professor at California University of PA/Wheeling University
Mather, PA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

To upgrade my credentials to obtain a full-time marketing professor position and teach digital marketing to undergraduate and graduate students.

What was your favorite course and why?

Social Media and Marketing. This course ties directly to teaching marketing courses on an undergraduate and graduate level. These students are also massive users of social media on a daily basis.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

It is time-consuming, so be sure you can set aside the time to complete the work.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

To obtain a full-time marketing professor position and teach digital marketing to undergraduate and graduate students. My ultimate goal is to obtain a full-time position at the California University of PA my alma mater.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

I dedicate completing this degree to my mother Joy Corbett.

Kayla Gagnon

Kayla Gagnon

M.S. Digital Marketing Communications
Communications Specialist at WVU School of Public Health
Morgantown, WV

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose to study Digital Marketing Communications because I wanted to expand my knowledge of media from the strategic side of things.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was Social Media Marketing because I had an excellent group of classmates to work with and it taught me one of the things I wanted to learn most in my coursework.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Stay on top of your schedule, because the weeks go by quickly and deadlines come up faster than you think sometimes.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

My plans are to start my career in communications by working for WVU's School of Public Health as a Communications Specialist, and I'd like to continue to work in higher education communications.

Josiah George

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Houston, TX

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose to pursue this graduate degree because I believe learning is inevitable during this journey called life. I look forward to sharpening my skills in communications and marketing to apply them to my long-term career goals. I believe this program can equip me with the skills and knowledge to take the real world head-on. 

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course in the program was IMC 619 Emerging Media and the Market. This class was very informative about the different new digital transformations and technologies used within the market space today. The market has different strategies and tactics to accurately execute the marketing goal of a business or campaign. The world has changed a lot since my childhood and I enjoy being up to date with the new trends.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

I think great advice for this program is to be ready to learn new information. Be very open to understanding different perspectives and keep an open mind when executing any assignment. Allow yourself to set time aside from your regular schedule to fully consume the information and understand how to apply it to your career journey. This program is challenging at times but the professors are very helpful at all times.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

My plans after graduation are to obtain a marketing position within the healthcare or telecommunications industry. Learning different knowledge of a marketing position to elevate into an executive position for the company. My first area of focus resides in Houston, TX to obtain all relevant knowledge to help me in my long-term career goal.

Myeisha Gibson

Myeisha Gibson

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Project Coordinator at USAA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree to strengthen my knowledge in marketing and sharpen my communication skills.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course in the IMC program was IMC 442, Web Metrics and SEO. I really enjoyed this course because it taught me how to effectively understand and evaluate Web Metrics.

Tom Goss

Tom Goss

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Senior Specialist at The National Fire Protection Association
Greenville, SC

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I was looking for a way to join my engineering side and my creative side together.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was IMC 625 - Advanced Creative Concepts. With no design background, I was initially terrified of this course. As we began developing our campaign I just fell in love with the course and I am really proud of what became of that campaign - my very own bicycle company (The Woodward Bicycle Company). Professor Pieratt, I can't thank you enough!

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

I highly advise the IMC program at WVU. The professors are connected to what they are teaching and provide great engagement. You will make friends with your fellow students. We're a family and we love to see the family grow!

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

I landed a position with the National Fire Protection Association. I am so happy and proud of this. I hope to work for another 10 1/2 years in this role and retire. I will also work to slowly build up my bicycle brand.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

Make tomorrow different.

Georgia Kourakos

Georgia Kourakos

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Senior Marketing Associate/Washington Financial Bank
Washington, PA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree because the field of communications is ever-changing and the ability to learn from professors who are also working in the field is an amazing opportunity!

What was your favorite course and why?

I enjoyed the Creative Strategy and Execution class because I got to design all of the creative for a campaign for the brand, YETI. The creative concept for the project came to me all at once and I was so excited to expand off of it to create pieces for various media channels.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

For anyone considering the program, time management is key. Working a full-time job is not easy while also pursing a Master’s degree, but I promise that all the hard work is worth it in the end!

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

I currently work for Washington Financial Bank as a Senior Marketing Associate. I believe this degree helped me get into the role I am in and I look forward to using my education to improve our current marketing strategies at the Bank!

Gary LaDue

Gary LaDue

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Marketing Director at Modern Automotive Network
Winston-Salem, NC

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I've always wanted to complete a graduate program and forever I thought it would be an MBA. However, in the past five years, my role has really been focused on marketing communication with a heavy slant to digital. This program made sense for me to advance my knowledge and skillsets and I was putting it to practical use from day one and class one.

What was your favorite course and why?

Creative Strategy and Execution was my favorite course. I dreaded taking it, but it ultimately pushed me outside my comfort zone and I learned so much from it.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Just do it. You will have zero regrets. It is absolutely a grind, but it's manageable. One key recommendation I have is to take summers off, recharge your batteries, and hit the next semester ready to go.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

Right now I have a great role at a great company and I plan on staying there a while. We're doing some great things and enjoying doing it. Long-term who knows, it would be nice to advance to a VP or CMO level role at some point.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

The entire staff of administration and professors for the MS IMC program have been nothing short of amazing and supportive. Thank you to all of them. Quote by Maya Angelou: If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it change your attitude.

Timothy Lakeberg

Timothy Lakeberg

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Sales Manager
Perrysburg, OH

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

Marketing has always been a passion of mine and I wanted to further my formal understanding of the practice through an advanced degree. Following the traditional model for career progression, I looked into an MBA program as obtaining an MBA is considered to be a notable touchstone within the career path of marketing and sales leaders. However, upon reviewing the curriculum of several MBA programs, it became evident that these programs lacked the tactical coursework that would enable me to transition what I was learning in class into my business. The IMC program at WVU provided me with the real-world skills and insights necessary to meaningfully impact my marketing practice.

What was your favorite course and why?

That’s a tough question because I enjoyed so many of the courses in the program. I’d have to say my favorite was IMC 611 – Marketing Research & Analysis. The course gave me a strong analytic foundation that served me well throughout the entirety of the program.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

The best advice I can give anyone entering the program is give your best effort when completing the first course in the program, IMC 610- Introduction to IMC. This course will serve as a benchmark for what you can expect throughout the remainder of the program. If you can develop good habits such as familiarizing yourself with the ‘rhythm’ of the program, managing your time wisely, and utilizing the many resources provided through WVU; you will find that you are positioning yourself for great success throughout the remainder of the program.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

After graduation, I’m very excited to use the skills I acquired in the program to support Liberty Mutual’s launch of a new agency brand, the Comparion Insurance Agency, in Ohio.

In the future, I’d like to become more involved in the process of creating marketing strategies and building marketing campaigns.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” — Thomas Merton

There is no doubt that a graduate program requires a significant investment of your time. For those that are working parents, balancing the demands of work, school, and family can be a daunting thought. Don’t let this fear consume you! It is possible to balance the many demands on your time and energy so that your work, school, and family life are in rhythm.

With that said, a huge thank you to my wife Staci and wonderful boys Theo and Charlie for their love and support throughout the program.

 Michelle Michaud

Michelle Michaud

M.S. Digital Marketing Communications
Signal Mountain, TN

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

The world of marketing is changing so quickly, it was imperative for me to go back to school to learn about this new, exciting and constantly evolving digital ecosystem. After looking at all the remote digital degrees out there, WVU's program was the cream that rose to the top because of the price/value/content offering, not to mention the fact it is an accelerated course I could finish in less than a year.

What was your favorite course and why?

All the WVU courses are important to the world of digital marketing; however, the cause marketing course was a standout for me because as a marketing communicator, we are consistently charged with the task of creating and implementing fundraising campaigns for our companies with little to no direction. This course gave me the tools to implement a thoughtful and successful campaign.

Furthermore, I really appreciated the thoughtful way WVU admins put together each course to reinforce sound marketing concepts we can carry with us no matter how the digital landscape changes in the future.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

I would look very closely at your prospective school's teachers and classes offered. WVU has attracted a high caliber faculty from across the nation who are each successful in their own right which informs their subject matter in ways that are valuable to the students.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

Take a minute to breathe as WVU's IMC degree was a very intense program, then look for a remote position where my skillset is of value.

Justin Neal

Justin Neal

M.S. Data Marketing Communications
Sr. Manager, CS Operations at VMware
Holly Spring, NC

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I wanted to tie together my experience and interest in building automated, data-driven campaigns with the "best practices" and expertise from the industry.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was Brand Data Collection and Visualization. Being able to tell stories with data is so critical today, and learning about the ways to collect and create reports and visual representations of data in different ways was very interesting and helpful. I was able to utilize and apply the knowledge that I gained from this course to my job immediately.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

I'd suggest for someone considering this program to have a specific professional goal in mind before taking it on. It is very helpful and useful to apply to "real world" scenarios, but I would think a prospective student who either is already working in a data-focused role or has a goal in mind of transitioning to that type of role would benefit from this program the most.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

I hope to continue to apply the knowledge I've gained in my current role and work to be a thought leader in applying best practices around data-driven marketing to Customer Success.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

“Takin’ on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doin’ it, you’re probably doin’ it wrong.”

-Ted Lasso

TJ Ortega

TJ Ortega

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Strategic Communications Specialist/G2 Software Systems and Lieutenant, Public Affairs Officer/US Navy Reserve
San Diego, CA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

Like most things in my life, this program fell into my lap. It caught my eye. For the past few years, I have been researching and looking into a program that works for me, is well respected, and helped me grow in my career. IMC at WVU met that criteria and gave me credit for the Department of Defense Information School (DINFOS). My cohort comprises all DINFOS grads, so WVU IMC staff adjusted all the coursework to meet our background and military public affairs specialties. Lastly, I need to challenge myself to be better. I have tons of experience and just a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from San Diego State University. But the job market is getting tougher. I need to better myself, and this degree did that for me.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite class was IMC 631 - Crisis Communications. I enjoyed that class because the coursework was an area I thrive in. Having worked in many real-world scenarios, I was excited to add more tools to my crisis communications toolbox. I have this keen sense to react calmly in times of distress. After IMC 631, my tool kit got stronger.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Do your research about the program and understand what classes and coursework entail. Take a look at your life for the year as well. Life through me some curveballs the past year, and I still manage to keep up. If you have the motivation and drive, go for it. I believe this program has made me a better individual and Public Affairs Officer.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

Well, I am already working in the career field. I work for the Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC) in San Diego, California, as a Strategic Communications Specialist. I am a contractor on a DoD contract, and I am the only Public Affairs support for the command. I am also a Navy Reserve Public Affairs officer with the Navy Public Affairs Support Element (NPASE) West. I am the Assistant Officer-in-Charge and have a unit of 32 PAO and Mass Communications Specialist providing world-class public affairs support around the globe. Both of my jobs are what I love to do!

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

Find your reason. Why do you want this degree or education? I have a sign above my working space saying, “Remember why you started.” My wife and kid were that reason. I want my kids to know they can do anything and accomplish anything. I come from very humble beginnings, and I am at a point in my life I never dreamed of. But I set small goals every day and worked on them. Find your reason, and you will be unstoppable.

Andrea Siders

Andrea Siders

M.S. Digital Marketing Communications
Marketing Coordinator at Peoples Bank
Marietta, OH

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

The number of built-in certificates throughout the curriculum was a major factor in my decision to attend WVU. These certificates allowed me to obtain practical expertise on a variety of marketing platforms.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

My plans after graduation are to start applying my digital knowledge in my new role as Marketing Coordinator at Peoples Bank located in my hometown - Marietta, OH.

Ashley Stibrik

Ashley Stibrik

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Marketing Communications Data Coordinator at K&L Gates
Pittsburgh, PA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I graduated from my undergrad in the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic and decided there was no better time to pursue an online master's degree. I decided to pursue my master's at WVU for the reputation of the program and the prominent school spirit!

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was the IMC capstone because it really tested my skills and knowledge but also gave me the opportunity to be creative!

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Just do it! It is hard to take that step in pursuing your master's but you will be so happy and proud of yourself once you have done it!

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

Continue working as a Marketing Communications Data Coordinator at K&L Gates.

Jesef Williams

Jesef Williams

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Jacksonville, FL

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I began my communications career in the news media as a newspaper journalist and later shifted to marketing and public relations in the health care and academic medicine sectors. A few years following that shift, I realized I desired to learn more about the science and acquire the foundational knowledge associated with those IMC-related disciplines.

What was your favorite course and why?

I enjoyed Brand Equity Management greatly and found the course's content incredibly valuable. I've always been fascinated with brands, and it was exciting to learn about growing and evolving a brand while favorably positioning it to succeed against market competition.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Discipline, time management skills and strong writing skills will benefit you mightily in the IMC program.

Interested in growing your career with a master's degree in Data, Digital or Integrated Marketing Communications? Request more information today!

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