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My Marcom Story: Brandy Lawrence


With a background in business and a knack for creativity, Brandy Lawrence was looking for a way to combine two of her strengths to excel her career. That’s when she found the Digital Marketing Communications program at West Virginia University. 

“Digital Marketing was just perfect for me,” she said. “I’m tech savvy and really enjoy social media. I wanted to find a way to use that to really find a way to build relationships with consumers.”

Brandy had spent most of her career in retail, and while it taught her valuable lessons and skills, she was looking to take the next step and find another career path that lets her flex her creative muscles. Digital marketing and the different paths it offers makes her feel like it’s something she can do for the rest of her life. 

Brandy took the leap for herself in enrolling in the program, and it is something she recommends to others — just take the leap. She weighed her options between the Integrated Marketing Communications program and the Digital Marketing Communications program, and the built-in certifications (think Google Analytics, SEMrush and HubSpot) in the Digital program really swayed her. 

“It’s a challenge, but it’s a good challenge,” she said. “It’s preparing me for something huge… It makes me more marketable as a marketer.”

It’s a challenge, but it’s a good challenge. It’s preparing me for something huge… It makes me more marketable as a marketer. Brandy Lawrence

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