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My Marcom Story: Brienna Schuette


Brienna Schuette was on the market for a masters degree, but she knew she didn’t want an MBA, the most common program around her in her hometown in Minnesota.

When a colleague suggested the WVU Marketing Communications Program, Brienna looked into it and came to a realization — she had been doing integrated marketing communications for most of her career without knowing it.

When looking at WVU’s Integrated Marketing Communications Program, she found the course catalog and had a hard time picking which courses to take since she wanted to take all of them. Paired with the areas of emphasis and faculty, Brienna knew this is the program for her.

“I looked at some other programs, but none of the others, I felt like, could provide the value that WVU’s IMC program could,” Schuette said. “In the variety of courses, options for special areas of focus, and just looking at the faculty. These are people who are practitioners. They’re living and working in this world. They know what's coming down the pipeline. They’re able to help students keep their skills current. The combination of all of those things led me here.”

These are people who are practitioners. They’re living and working in this world. They know what's coming down the pipeline. They’re able to help students keep their skills current. The combination of all of those things led me here. Brienna schuette

Brienna cites the depth of knowledge, real world applications and networking opportunities of the program as the real selling points. She says she would recommend the program to any and every friend or colleague because of these opportunities.

Following the completion of the IMC program, Brienna says she wants to continue to teach the next generation of marketing communications professionals while consulting small businesses and clients in her network. She wants to continue what she is already doing but at an elevated level, thanks to the IMC program.

Before starting her master’s program, Brienna wondered how she knew she had picked the right one, but when she got a phone call from her advisor on the first day of classes to see how it went, she knew she had made the right choice for her.

“One of the things that drew me to WVU’s IMC to the program was the help and support I had from the faculty and staff from the program from the outset,” she said. “I just thought how this experience was already so personalized, and they already care so much about my education and what I’m getting out of it.”

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