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Getting to the CORE of Content: Mastering the Art of Repurposing


Getting to the CORE of Content: Mastering the Art of Repurposing

Creating fresh and engaging content consistently can be a challenge. That's where the CORE method comes in. With the CORE method ( Create Once, Repurpose Everywhere), you can maximize the value of your content by repackaging it in various formats and distributing it across different platforms. In this blog post, we will explore the step-by-step process of repurposing content and how to identify the preferred format of your target audience.

Step 1: Create a Comprehensive Piece of Content

The first step in the CORE method is to create a comprehensive piece of content that serves as the foundation for repurposing. This could be a blog post, an in-depth guide, an e-book, or a webinar. The key is to ensure that the content is valuable, informative, and relevant to your target audience.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience

To effectively repurpose your content, you need to understand your target audience's preferences and needs. Conduct market research, analyze customer data, and engage with your audience through surveys or social media to gain insights into their preferred format for consuming content. Create personas that you can reference through your digital marketing journey.

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Step 3: Repackage for Different Formats

Once you have identified the preferred format of your target audience, it's time to repurpose your content accordingly. Here are some examples of how you can do this:

  • Blog to Social Media
    Take key points or excerpts from your blog post and create engaging social media posts. Use compelling visuals and concise captions to grab attention and encourage click-throughs to the full blog post.
  • Blog to Video
    Transform your blog post into a video presentation or tutorial. Use visuals, animations, and narration to bring your content to life. Upload the video to platforms like YouTube or Vimeo and share it across social media channels.
  • Blog to Infographic
    Condense the main points of your blog post into an infographic. Use eye-catching visuals, icons, and charts to present the information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format. Share the infographic on your website, social media, and email newsletters.
  • Video to Podcast
    Extract the audio from your video content and convert it into a podcast episode. This allows your audience to consume your content on-the-go or during their daily commute. Upload the podcast episode to popular podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
  • Webinar to E-book
    Convert your webinar into an e-book by transcribing the content and adding visuals, screenshots, and additional insights. Offer the e-book as a downloadable resource on your website or as a lead magnet to capture email addresses.

Step 4: Distribute and Promote

Now that you have repurposed your content into various formats, it's time to distribute and promote it across different platforms. Share your content on your website, social media channels, email newsletters, and relevant industry forums. Leverage SEO techniques, influencer collaborations, and paid advertising to expand the reach of your content and attract new audiences.

Step 5: Monitor and Analyze

Finally, monitor the performance of your repurposed content and analyze the metrics to understand what works best for your audience. Track engagement, click-through rates, conversions, and feedback to refine your repurposing strategy further. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and email marketing analytics to gain valuable insights.

The CORE method is a powerful and efficient approach to content marketing that allows you to get back to the basics while maximizing the value of your content. By repurposing your content into different formats and distributing it across various platforms, you can reach your target audience at the right time, in the right place, and in a format they prefer. Remember to create high-quality content, understand your audience's preferences, repurpose strategically, and analyze the results.

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