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Four Time Management Tips for Mastering Grad School While Working Full-Time


Four Time Management Tips For Mastering Grad School While Working Full-Time

As a graduate student who works full-time, mastering time management can be highly beneficial. It can help you reduce your stress levels, avoid procrastination, achieve your goals more efficiently, and more. People often ask me how I manage to handle work, school, and life simultaneously. Although it hasn’t always been easy, I have learned a few time management tips over the last two years that have helped me become the best version of myself. In this article, I will share my top four tips to help you master time management as well.

Tip #1: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Everybody is different, and there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to time management. Therefore, you need to figure out what works best for you. For instance, if you prefer to write your paper alone, then set boundaries to ensure you have that time to yourself. By learning what approach works best for you, you can maximize your time for your classes.

Tip #2: Time Block Your Tasks

For each class, you'll have assigned readings, discussion boards, and papers due. Waiting until the very last minute to dive into these tasks will seem overwhelming and unachievable. Who wants to spend one full day dedicated to all their tasks? It sets you up for failure. Instead of saving it all for one day, try time-blocking and dedicating parts of your day to specific tasks. Whether reading a few articles in your morning as you sip on coffee or spending an hour each night working on your paper, you'll find that these little time blocks add up.

Tip #3: Make Time for Self-Care

Honestly, this is key. If you're not taking care of yourself, you won't be able to show up as the best version of your program. It's easier said than done but ensuring that you plan at least one fun thing that feeds your mind or body and gets you out of school mode will be the best reset. Grad school while you work sometimes feels like a second job, and it's easy to get lost in that. Once you get lost, things seem harder! Making time for yourself no matter what helps to keep you grounded.

Tip #4: Prioritize and Avoid Overcommit

Going to grad school part-time and working full-time will cause you to shift priorities. The sooner you embrace this, the sooner you can find a flow that works best for you. Figure out your priorities for the day and try to avoid overcommitting yourself. It's understandable to want still to live your everyday life, but by limiting your commitments and homing in on your grad schoolwork, you're in a better position to succeed. Remember, it's just temporary!


Whether you're just starting your graduate program or nearing the end, mastering time management is a skill that will serve you beyond your academic journey. Efficiently managing your time is a lifelong asset that ensures you achieve your goals. Adopting these tips early on can significantly impact your educational and professional life. Remember to give yourself some unplanned downtime; these reset days are essential for your well-being.

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Meet the Author

 Kelly Ramesar

Kelly Ramesar
WVU Marketing Communications Ambassador

Kelly Ramesar is a WVU Marketing Communications Ambassador. She is an alumna of WVU’s M.S. in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and has been working in the MarCom industry for more than seven years. When she is not writing, she enjoys traveling to new places, spending time with her Goldendoodle, and reading a good thriller.

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