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Building Connections and a Career in WVU's IMC Program


Kate Gest, a Summer 2024 WVU IMC graduate of the Military Public Affairs Cohort.

Kate Gest has built lifelong professional connections through her time in the WVU Integrated Marketing Communications program. “In a virtual program, you don't typically expect to form meaningful relationships with people you've never met in person,” Gest noted. “However, the regular cadence of interactions on our discussion boards and outside group chats allowed me to truly get to know my classmates and celebrate their significant life and career milestones.”

Kate Gest and Jarred Gillie.

One connection, Jarred Gillie, made an impact on the Gest’s experience. They attended the Defense Information School together and decided to attend WVU shortly after. “I cannot express enough how much having Jarred as a classmate and a friend helped me throughout this course. We were able to support and share the challenges of working full-time, him as an active duty Marine CommStrat Officer and me as an Army Civilian while completing this class, but we had the opportunity to share our wins in our personal, professional, and educational lives.” They pushed and motivated each other each semester. “I will forever be thankful and cannot wait to see where this degree takes us in our careers,” Gest adds.

Gest also looked forward to her advising sessions every semester with Wendy Ridenour. Gest felt Ridenour was genuinely in her corner and rooted for her success. Additionally, Gest noted the staff and professors being very accommodating and approachable. During her time in the program, she traveled over 100,000+ miles for work, spending long-haul flights writing papers and traveling with textbooks to foreign countries. She would notify her professors ahead of time and be able to make arrangements. “The bottom line is that flexibility and support are woven throughout this program, but it's up to you to take the initiative. I am so humbled and thankful to have had the chance to accomplish this goal and complete this degree nearly a decade after my undergraduate studies. If you're thinking about it, go for it and know that the support is there when you need it,” Gest explained.

My best advice for incoming students is to trust that the logistical details of your job and life will work themselves out. Kate Gest
Kate Gest at work.

This degree meant a lot to Gest. It has been a long-term goal of hers since she graduated with her undergraduate in fine arts and communications almost a decade ago. When she learned she could transfer credits from her time at DINFOS, she found it to be the perfect opportunity to pursue her goal. She has gone from a project manager to doing public relations with the Olympics, to public relations with the U.S. Army to now doing communication strategy with the U.S. Navy. “This program and degree directly align with my current and previous positions, and the marketing skills I've gained will continue to support my career, no matter which path I decide to stay or take in the future,” Gest noted.

Her favorite course was her capstone course with Professor Bonnie Harris. She noted how Harris had the patience to ensure she and her classmates deeply understood the material throughout the final campaign assignment. The course offered her the flexibility and creativity to apply everything she learned throughout the program and create a fully developed, real-world IMC plan. The hands-on experience allowed her to gain confidence and hone her skills in a practical way. “Her teaching has had a direct impact on my current career.”

Gest is a Summer 2024 graduate of the Integrated Marketing Communications program as part of the Military Public Affairs cohort. She is currently a Strategist at Link.

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