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8 Tips to Improve Mental Health for Marketers


8 Tips to Improve Mental Health for Marketers

Mental health conditions can cause difficulties in all aspects of life, including relationships with family, friends, and community. They can result from or lead to problems at school and work. The World Health Organization found that in 2019, 970 million people globally were living with a mental health condition, with depression and anxiety ranking the highest among people.

Reasons Why Self-Care is Important for Marketers?

  • 1. When you are the best version of yourself, it will reflect in your work.
  • 2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety will eliminate the most common mental health problems.
  • 3. Self-Care will lead you to avoiding a potential burn out.

So what are some things that can be done in everyday life to take care of your mental health and ensure that it stays in a healthy condition?  Let’s take a look at 8 tips for better self-care.

Tip 1: Create a Clear Work Schedule

Work can become overwhelming to the average person, especially if the job consists of a high demanding output and stressful environment. It is important to ensure that you don’t bring your work home with you. Setting a clear work schedule is crucial in preventing the stress from work from following you home.  Consistently start and stop your workday at a certain time. Let your boss know what these times are and work towards honoring the set schedule. When you are done working, it is important to create a shut-down routine to train your brain to understand when work time is over. This can be achieved by turning off notifications, and avoid using any work devices.

Tip 2: Taking Breaks During the Day

It is important to not get consumed in your work for long periods of time, and giving yourself a brief and short break can be beneficial for your mental health. Taking as little as a one minute break every hour,  and looking away from your computer every 20 minutes will give you a short reset that can prevent stress levels from rising. 

Tip 3: Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things your body needs. But Working or living on little sleep isn’t sustainable in the long run. Getting a full eight hours of sleep will ensure your body remains rested and ready for any challenges that arise in the office each day.

Tip 4: Find Time to Exercise

Exercise is great for your mental-well being. Walking is one the most basic structural practices for better physical fitness. Walking allows the mind to wander and process information. If you can walk outside and get sunlight and fresh air the benefits will be even greater for your overall mental health.

Tip 5: Find Ways to Refuel

Refueling is important to keep your body prepared to take on the longevity of the workday and work week. Ensuring that you eat breakfast and lunch are important to keep your energy high throughout the day.  Additionally, food is not the only source of fuel needed for a person. In times when you find your energy low, taking a break to listen to music, talk to a colleague, or read a chapter of a book are great ways to refresh the mind and pick you back up.

Tip 6: Limit Mulitasking

While multitasking is tempting and may seem more efficient when you have many tasks that need completed in a short amount of time. It can lead to a higher increase in stress due to the constant switch between tasks that will increase strain on your brain. When tackling too many tasks at once, you may find yourself not doing any of them well. Attempting to limit multitasking or eliminating it all together will reduce stress.

Tip 7: Look at your Work Environment

The environment in which you do your work is very important, as it can foster creativity and productivity or it can do the opposite. Decluttering your workspace, storing some snacks and water nearby, and hanging some artwork can create an environment that will reduce stress and inspire productivity.

Tip 8: Connect With People

Work can be isolating and stressful. It is easy to fall into a spell of depression and anxiety due to the many stresses that can come from a job. Engaging with coworkers, family, and friends is crucial to keep yourself feeling connected. While texting and emailing may seem more convenient, it is important to engage with physical face to face conversations with others as it will strengthen your connection and reduce that isolating feeling that can potentially lead to depression. 

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Meet the Author

Erik Rudolph

Erik Rudolph
Marketing Assistant Student Worker

Erik is a senior advertising student with a minor in communications, he also is a part of the MSJ 4+1 program at WVU. He is currently the marketing assistant student worker for the WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Programs. Erik loves the sport of boxing and works closely with a local boxing promotion in Morgantown, Real Fight Promotions, as a color commentator and a social media manager.

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