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[Alumni on the Move] Career Highlights from our Alumni


Career Highlights from our Alumni

The marketing communications programs at WVU have aided brilliant and talented people to achieve their dreams and to find success within the industry. As you think about your future career in Marketing Communications and consider advancing your degree, view the success of the WVU Marketing Communications Integrated Marketing Communications alumni.

Adrienne KingAdrienne King

Integrated Marketing Communications 2006
Vice President for University Marketing and Communications
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Adrienne King has been promoted to serve as UToledo’s vice president of marketing and communications. King has led institutional crisis communications efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic and provided direction for the rebrand efforts of UToledo and more recently, UTMC. Her teams have won numerous awards for their creative work to support enrollment initiatives and crisis communications efforts.

"I'm honored to serve The University of Toledo in this new role, working alongside some of the most talented marcomm professionals in the business. I apply the the knowledge and skills I learned in the WVU IMC program every single day. It was, and continues to be, one of the best investments I ever made!"

Emily ZekonisEmily Zekonis

Integrated Marketing Communications 2020
Marketing Communications Manager
HMP Global
East Windsor, NJ

Emily recently moved companies to join HMP Global, a multichannel leader in healthcare meetings, content, and education. In her new role as a Marketing Communications Manager, she oversees the promotions and marketing of healthcare education events. Tactics include everything from social, digital and traditional marketing methods.

"Without the IMC program I wouldn't have been able to peruse this opportunity! My hiring manager even said that by completing my master's and the knowledge I was able to express in my interview from the program is what put me ahead of other applicants."

Patrick DelaneyPatrick Delaney

Integrated Marketing Communications 2013
Director, External Affairs
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, United States Senate
Washington, D.C.

Patrick Delaney (MS, IMC 2013) started in January as director of external affairs for the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry under Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow of Michigan. In this role, Delaney will oversee coalition building, stakeholder outreach, and industry affairs. Previously, he was the chief spokesperson for House Agriculture Committee under Chairman Collin Peterson of Minnesota, and for ten years prior handled policy communications for the American Soybean Association and the United Fresh Produce Association.

"So much of what I do is 'other duties as assigned,' in that it doesn't fall neatly into one category of communication or another. That's the best thing that the IMC program gave me: a firm grounding in a broad range of disciplines that combine to help make me a more effective communicator overall. With that, it's easier to help different stakeholders and different publics understand the policy we're working on in a way that generates buy-in and helps us be successful."

Kelsey BergKelsey Berg

Integrated Marketing Communications 2017
Digital Marketing Lead
Seattle, WA

Kelsey recently switched sports, leaving the NHL and joining the sporting goods industry with evo, a company focused on the collaboration between culture, sports, and community. In her new role as Digital Marketing Lead, she oversees the paid media strategy and develops personalized, digital experiences for customers worldwide. Her role focuses on a mix of skills from design, to media buying, content, analytics, reporting, strategy and beyond.

"Getting my Master's Degree from the IMC program at WVU continues to benefit me in my career, both personally and professionally. Not only has it boosted my confidence in the digital marketing realm, but it has allowed me to expand my skills in other industries and areas of expertise. Having a strong fundamental understanding of all aspects of marcom in an ever-changing landscapes has provided me a step up on many others in the space. Graduating from the IMC program was the best thing I could do not just for myself, but my personal brand as well."

Alumni are encouraged to submit their job promotions, successful campaign stories and other additional materials for us to share on our website, social media accounts and in future blog articles.

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