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10 Job Titles in Integrated Marketing Communications


10 Job Titles in Integrated Marketing Communications

The marketing communications field is a vast industry with opportunities for individuals to find their niche. Because the field is broad, it can sometimes be hard to figure out what jobs are out there for people in the field. Here’s just a sampling of some of the roles you can get with a masters in integrated marketing communications.

1. Social Media Manager

A social media manager is a marketing professional who provides the voice and content for a brand across social channels. They are responsible for responding to comments, creating content and keeping up to date with trends on social media. Social media managers look for opportunities to increase brand exposure for their brand or organization.

2. Content Producer

A content producer writes, develops, edits and publishes content and copy for a variety of platforms like websites, blogs, videos, email marketing, advertising, social media posts and more. Content producers create messaging, marketing materials and various forms of digital copy that can be used by an organization to reach KPIs like sell or promote services, increase brand awareness, etc.

3. Chief Strategy Officer

Chief strategy officers are responsible for creating a company’s vision, communicating the plan with all those involved, executing the business initiatives and sustaining implementation efforts. In this role, the individual is also responsible for analyzing market shares, finding market and partnership opportunities, ensuring all performance markers are in palace and identifying strategic risk before starting a campaign.

4. SEO Content Writer

An SEO content writer’s primary responsibility is to create informative and engaging articles that provide high value to a brand's target audience to consistently achieve high SERP rankings. An individual in this role also needs to be able to conduct in-depth research on a variety of different topics to ensure your articles are factually correct and aligned with an audience’s search.

5. Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are responsible for developing, implementing and executing strategic marketing plans for an entire organization or brand in order to attract potential customers and retain existing ones. They are responsible for working with executives to determine budgets and targets, and they are often charged with developing pricing strategies for products and services. Marketing managers generally work as part of a larger marketing, creative, communications or digital team.

6. Public Affairs Specialist

Public affairs specialists act as spokespeople and develop and maintain relationships with beat reporters and other media members. They provide content and write articles for internal and external communications, including email marketing, social media and outreach to relevant past and present connections. Public affairs specialists typically work in the field of media relations by leveraging connections with other media members, and they often work in government agencies.

7. Creative Director

A creative director establishes the creative vision for a brand or a campaign and manifests that vision through strategic and deliberate design. A creative director is a big-picture position that maintains a cohesive look and feel of a project, supervises the entire creative process, and guides the creative team that works under them. A creative director often establishes budgets and timelines and manages client relationships and expectations.

8. Account Director

An account director serves as a liaison between clients and a company that provides services, manages the accounts team and supervises creatives and other staff to ensure projects meet client expectations and are delivered on time and within budget. The account director pitches ideas to clients, develops strategies for new products and coordinates events. They often work in agencies or firms, and an account director typically has multiple accounts at one time.

9. Public Relations Manager

Public relations managers create and maintain a favorable public image for their employer or client by communicating programs, accomplishments and/or points of view. These professionals are tasked with fielding media questions and pitching stories to the media, preparing media kits and organizing press conferences. They also release information to handle crisis and emergency communications.

10. Founder/President/CEO

Many people in the industry actually start their own businesses within the marketing industry as firms, agencies or consultants. In some of these situations, the individual is responsible for everything at the company, but they can also contract to other firms and individuals or hire staff directly. In this role, an individual is responsible for the overall business strategy and mission, management of employees and the overseeing of finances.

No matter where your career takes you, a degree in IMC sets you up for success by teaching you about multiple areas and specialties, and it provides you a skillset that allows for career transitions and pivots along the way. Ready to get started? Check out our M.S. IMC program to learn more.

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Meet the Author

Emma Magruder

Emma Magruder
Marketing and Events Graduate Service Assistant

Emma is a marketing and events graduate assistant in the Marketing Communications Online Programs through the Reed School of Media and Communications at West Virginia University. She is a graduate student at WVU and involved in PRSSA and AWSM. She could always talk about what she made in her kitchen for this week and her favorite sports! Bitten by the travel bug, she loves to travel whenever she has a few days to take an adventure.

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