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Meet the Class of Spring 2023


Meet the Class of Spring 2023

At the conclusion of each semester, the WVU Marketing Communications Programs are excited to celebrate our graduates. Meet the members of the class of Spring 2023 who have successfully completed their studies!

David Ambrose

David Ambrose

M.S Integrated Marketing Communications with Digital and Social Media Area of Emphasis
Assistant Director of Athletics for Communications/Operations
Biddeford, ME

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose WVU for my master's because it was one of the few programs that offered an integrated marketing degree. Integrated marketing communications is the new norm and I wanted a program that would offer me the most value for my future. The chance to learn from professors who are well-respected in the marketing field was also a huge draw

What was your favorite course and why?

David Ambrose

My favorite class was Digital Storytelling. I come from an athletics communication background and my job is telling the stories of our student-athletes. This class helped me learn some new strategies to tell creative stories. I really enjoyed the work and enjoyed the class.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Time management is key. Many of us will do the program while also working a full-time job. You need to prioritize your time to be successful. Just take each week as it comes. After the first few weeks, you'll develop a schedule for how you want to do the rest of the program. It's well worth the effort.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

Throughout the program, I already was able to use many of the skills I picked up. I'm hoping to utilize everything more and further my career in marketing and communications.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

This is a tough program but definitely worth the effort. I was stressed out but now that I'm done I am so thankful that I completed the program and know it will be a tremendous benefit in my future.

Brooke Buchanan

Brooke Buchanan

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications with Digital and Social Media Area of Emphasis
Marketing Specialist at WVU Parkersburg
Parkersburg, WV

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

After finishing my Bachelor's degree, I wanted to jump into a Master’s Program that would be flexible and work with my day-to-day life schedule. The online IMC program made it possible for me to obtain my education without having to take time off from the field to complete my studies. I was able to work and go to school - truly the best of both worlds.

What was your favorite course and why?

The capstone course (636) was my favorite course. Although the most challenging course I’ve taken to date, it allowed me to prove myself and gave me confidence that I’ve learned enough in the IMC program to make me successful in the workforce.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Brooke Buchanan

DO IT! You won’t regret it. Although a fully online program, all the resources are available to you. Amanda, the IMC advisor, is a great resource and will answer any questions you have. Additionally, the online program still gives you the opportunity to travel and live your day-to-day life. I reside in Parkersburg, but I completed my homework in various states across the country while traveling. There’s the freedom to live your life while still being a full-time student.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

I’ve worked at WVU Parkersburg for a couple of years now, and I plan on staying there. It’s the best job I could’ve ever imagined finding.

Jalyn BolyardJalyn Bolyard

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Content Marketing Specialist, Ohio University
Crooksville, OH

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I always wanted to earn a graduate degree. Knowledge from education, to me, is something that can never be taken away. After an undergraduate advisor suggested WVU, I kept it in the back of my brain until the pandemic hit. The online, flexible program was perfect for my life situation at the time. I know the education I earned while enrolled in WVU will set up me for future success.

What was your favorite course and why? Jalyn Bolyard

My favorite course was IMC 615: Creative Strategy and Execution with Professor Nathan Pieratt. I never considered myself a creative person until I took this class. It was fun and challenging to think of creative strategies in a new way and design some concepts as well. It helped me feel more confident in a skill set I didn’t even know I had.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

To anyone who is considering a graduate degree, do it. You can do it. Do not let yourself be your worst critic — the steps to success begin when you start believing in yourself. The IMC program is one you’ll want to be a part of.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

Jalyn Bolyard

I have a wedding to plan! :) I will marry my fiancé, Jordan, in August 2024. Career wise, I hope to continue to learn and grow with my current employer.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

Hard things will happen to us. We will recover, we will learn from it, we will grow more resilient because of it. And as long as we are fortunate enough to be breathing, we will breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, and breathe out. — Taylor Swift, commencement speech at NYU, 2022

Lindsay Fannning

Lindsay Fanning

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Social Ads Specialist
Milwaukee, WI

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose to complete the IMC Graduate Degree because I graduated with my undergrad in communication in December 2020, and I wanted to explore the marketing world. I knew an IMC degree would be a valuable asset as I started my career!

What was your favorite course and why?

Mobile Marketing was my absolute favorite course. I loved the real-world application Prof Bentz assigned the class, and I especially appreciated the opportunity to present my work in PowerPoint rather than writing weekly papers.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Understand there’s a balance you have to work very hard to maintain as a full time student and employee. Set yourself up for success before your classes start and use all available resources! Amanda, the program advisor, is your best friend :)

Alyssa Hansrote

Alyssa Hansrote

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications with Healthcare Communications Area of Emphasis
Marketing Communications Coordinator
Morgantown, WV

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose the WVU Marketing Communications Graduate program because I wanted to be a part of a program where you learn skills and techniques from faculty with industry experience. This program not only allowed me to meet my personal goals but has allowed me to reach professional goals to help advance my career!

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was IMC 636, otherwise known as our Capstone course! This course gave me the confidence to be the marketer that I sought to be!

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Do it! Don’t hesitate! Choosing this program for my Master’s has been one of the best decisions I have made. The faculty want to see you succeed and they are with you every step of the way. I’ve had the most supportive Professors throughout my time in the IMC program.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

As of right now, I am keeping my options open. I hope to join an organization or company that values me as an employee. I know wherever I go, my degree will help me stand out to employers.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

God is within her, she will not fall. Psalm 46:5

Charity Junkins

Charity Junkins

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications with Creative Strategy Area of Emphasis
Retail Manager at The Book Exchange
Morgantown, WV

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree because I wanted to gain confidence and become more well-rounded within my field. Through the online IMC program, I was able to both conveniently pursue earning my master's degree online and gain a whole new perspective on what it truly means to be an Integrated Marketing Communications Professional. I would also be lying to myself if I didn't give credit to my family and friends, their support was a huge reason I came back to continue my education. Listen to those closest to you, they'll see potential way before you do.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite class from the IMC program would have to be IMC 625- Advanced Creative Concepts. The class was taught by Larry Stultz and he just did a great job at challenging each of us to think and work more creatively. Through the course, I learned how to really dissect the creative process and apply it more effectively to brand storytelling. It was the perfect course to sink my teeth into before the campaigns capstone class.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

If you're considering joining the IMC family, just do it. The courses are challenging but worth it. If you're feeling extra ambitious, consider choosing an Area of Emphasis. I chose Creative Strategy as my AoE and it provided me with the opportunity to take on more creatively inclined classes during my IMC journey.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

After graduation, I plan on landing a job working where I can unite my love for sports and media. My dream job would be something in content and promotions, being a part of a creative team that is focused on building a strong culture and identity around their home team. Hey WVU Athletics, call me.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

“Hard things will happen to us. We will recover, we will learn from it, we will grow more resilient because of it. And as long as we are fortunate enough to be breathing, we will breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, and breathe out." Taylor Swift

Abigail Knott

Abigail Knott

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Marketing Coordinator at NELSON Worldwide

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I wasn’t as passionate about only doing journalism as I thought when I worked at a news station fresh out of undergrad. I wanted to expand my skills and I knew how big the marketing world was. This is going to sound cliche but I felt like I had so much potential but needed some additional education to get there. It truly felt like the perfect program for me while working full-time.

What was your favorite course and why?

Abigail Knott

I LOVED digital storytelling. It probably has to do with my journalism background, but it was such a fun class. Nathan Pieratt was such an amazing professor, too. He really knew how to make you feel inspired. I also did my project on an ice cream brand, so it doesn’t get better than that. There was just a great vibe to the class and the discussion board wasn’t boring. I actually enjoyed the banter between my classmates. I cannot recommend that class enough to my fellow creative IMC peeps.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Just try to find joy in your assignments. Choose a brand that is challenging but you also love. I made sure that I didn’t pick brands that were constantly being talked about in discussion boards. Also, really freshen up your APA skills because you’re going to need it for this program.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

Abigail Knott

I’m going to keep working for NELSON Worldwide since I just started at the beginning of the year. I thoroughly enjoy working for one brand at the moment. I’ve never been so happy and content with a job before like I have at NELSON and it’s so refreshing. I honestly never thought I’d work for an interior/architecture company, but it’s been so interesting. Eventually, I think I’d like to get back in a workplace setting and quit the remote life. I’m in the Pittsburgh area so there are tons of opportunities available in the future.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

I’m going to be celebrating graduation in Paris! I already walked in the Coliseum for undergrad and sang Country Roads, so I wanted to end school (FOR GOOD) in the best way possible. I’ll be rooting for my fellow graduates at the Eiffel Tower!

Jenny Lankford

Jenny Lankford

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Marketing Manager at Sheltering Arms Institute
Richmond, VA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

My undergraduate degree is in journalism, which has served me very well by laying a strong foundation of writing, storytelling, and video production skills. However, as my career progressed and I made the transition to the marketing communications space, I felt there was a growing gap between my formal education and the direction in which my career was tracking. I knew to accomplish my career goals and learn about topics that I was less familiar with such as advertising, public relations, branding, and marketing research, as well as strategy, planning, and campaign development, that a master’s degree would forge the path. I wanted to gain a sound foundation of IMC best practices that I could apply to my work and acquire a stronger big-picture perspective. WVU’s online program, curriculum, and price point were a great fit for me.

What was your favorite course and why?

A few of my favorites included Creative Strategy and Execution, Brand Equity, and Content Marketing. Creative Strategy and Execution taught me so much about advertising, Brand Equity was fun as we learned to conduct a complete brand audit on a “challenger brand,” and Content Marketing is a passion of mine so it was exciting to take something I felt I had a strong grasp on and elevate those skills even more.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

If you have been thinking that, one day, you’d like to pursue your master’s degree, take the plunge! Life is short and the sooner you get your degree, the longer you’ll have it.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

I’m really looking forward to taking some time to just relax and recenter—sleep more, exercise more, read a book that’s not a textbook, and travel! In addition to all the great IMC knowledge, something else the program has taught me is to really cherish my free time and spend it doing what I love. In the future, there are still a couple of courses I’d like to come back to WVU to take at the alumni tuition rate and a couple of certifications I’d like to pursue.

As far as my future career goals, I hope to become the director of marketing at an organization. I am confident that completing this graduate program with an expanded skill set and expertise has set the stage for continued career development and personal growth.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

A person I met through my work sustained a devastating spinal cord injury. I had the privilege of writing his story. When I interviewed him, he said, “The only way to fail is if you don’t try.” I am a self-proclaimed perfectionist, which can be a great strength but can also be my biggest hurdle to overcome. There were times throughout the program when I doubted myself and questioned if I had the know-how to make it through. I often thought of his remarks and reminded myself that I wasn’t here to be perfect, I was here to learn and grow. So just remember, if you already knew everything, you wouldn’t be pursuing your master’s!

Rebecca Minear

Rebecca Minear

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications with Digital and Social Media Area of Emphasis
Vienna, WV

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I pursued a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree because I was ready to challenge myself academically and personally. I wanted to further my career by gaining new industry knowledge.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was Podcast Promotion/Production with Professor Matty Staudt. It allowed me a platform to create content around a topic I am passionate about - Appalachian music. As a fifth-generation fiddle player, I shared my knowledge and interviewed my Pap, who recorded demos for Coal Miner's Daughter Recording Studio, owned by Loretta Lynn. It was such a fantastic experience!

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

My advice to those considering entering the graduate degree program is to be the source of what you hope to attract to your life. Don't settle. Instead, challenge yourself to pursue positive change. And, once you are in the program, continue to set the bar higher for yourself. The more you push, the stronger you will become and gain confidence in your creativity.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

This past year, I realized it was time to put myself first. Because of that, I have grown professionally and personally, searching for opportunities that will make me happy. I look forward to finding a career path that is gratifying and serves my community.

Joyita Sarkar

Joyita Sarkar

Integrated Marketing Communications Graduate Certificate
Graduate Research Assistant at WVU
Morgantown, WV

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I have always had a passion for marketing and communication, and my experience in the fashion industry ignited my desire to learn more about the field. When I was looking for graduate programs, WVU's Marketing Communications Graduate Degree caught my attention because of its comprehensive curriculum and industry-relevant courses. I was impressed by the program's emphasis on integrated marketing communications, which focuses on developing a cohesive marketing strategy across various channels. Furthermore, I was intrigued by the opportunity to study emerging media and the market, which is becoming increasingly important in the ever-evolving digital landscape. After thorough research and discussions with alumni, I was convinced that WVU was the perfect place for me to pursue my graduate studies in marketing communications.

Joyita Sarkar

What was your favorite course and why?

All the courses in the Marketing Communications program were excellent, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be IMC 619 Emerging Media and the Market. This course delved into the latest digital trends and emerging media platforms, such as social media and mobile devices. As someone who is passionate about the digital space, I found this course particularly engaging. The class discussions and case studies helped me understand how to leverage these new media channels to create effective marketing strategies. I also appreciated the hands-on approach, as we were required to develop and present our own digital marketing campaigns. Overall, IMC 619 was an incredibly valuable course that equipped me with the skills and knowledge to excel in today's digital world.

Joyita Sarkar

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

My advice to anyone considering the WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Certificate program would be to stay curious and open-minded. The field of marketing communications is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies is crucial. Additionally, don't be afraid to ask questions, collaborate with your peers, and seek guidance from faculty members. The more you engage with the program, the more you will get out of it

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

After graduation, I plan to continue my research on metaverse-meta fashion-web 3.0 and explore the potential of these emerging technologies for the fashion industry. I also hope to apply the skills and knowledge I have gained through the program to my current role as a marketing researcher. My long-term career goal is to become a thought leader in the field of fashion marketing and make a positive impact on the industry. I am excited to see where this degree takes me and am confident that the skills and experiences I have gained at WVU will serve me well in my future endeavors.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

I would like to express my gratitude to the faculty and staff at WVU's Marketing Communications program for their unwavering support and guidance throughout my graduate studies. The program has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to excel in the dynamic world of marketing, and I am proud to be a graduate of this prestigious program. As Steve Jobs once said, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." I am grateful to have found my passion in marketing communications and am excited to see where this journey takes me.

Erin Shelinski

Erin Shelinski

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications
Director, Marketing Communications at UPMC
Williamsport, PA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I decided on the IMC program at WVU because I wanted to become an expert in the marketing communications world that I work in every day. It's important to think out of the box when it comes to making and meeting marketing goals. The IMC program was another great way to help me learn more about creating plans, preparing for the unknown in the real world, and working your way through it.

What was your favorite course and why?

Creative Strategy & Execution, and Content Marketing because it allowed me to be creative and have fun with my assignments, but really to plan and focus the concepts so it meets the end goals and objectives.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Don't give up, keep going, don't procrastinate, ask questions, don't doubt yourself, and plan ahead.

Blake Smith

Blake Smith

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications with Data Marketing Communications Area of Emphasis
Charlotte, NC

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I chose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree not only because of the boost it would give my career but also because of the quality of the degree. Joining the long line of WVU IMC graduates is an accomplishment that I will forever be proud of.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was the capstone, simply because it was the most challenging. I feel that the only way to grow is through adversity and discomfort, and that's exactly what I did, with the help of my professor. Also, putting in all of the hard work and knowledge I've accumulated over the past 2.5 years was pretty rewarding.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

Be involved in the discussions. Don't be afraid to speak to your professors for advice. And have fun! I learned a lot from our discussion forums; I learned just as much in speaking w/ my classmates, as I did from reading the textbooks.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

After graduation, I plan to continue working the way that I am and find ways to incorporate what I've learned into my current role. I have developed a new perspective that I believe would be beneficial to the organization.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

"It's never too late to get your master's degree". I took a 7-year hiatus from school, and now I'll be getting my master's degree exactly 10 years after I received my undergrad. All I can say is that "it's never too late".

Rachel Stark

Rachel Stark

M.S. Digital Marketing Communications
Marketing Generalist at Summit Financial Group
Moorefield, WV

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I wanted a fully integrated program that I could complete in a year or less that allowed me to expand my knowledge and have a deeper understanding of campaigns, brand, strategy, digital media, omnichannel and user experience. This program covers so many important topics and pairs them with industry-level certifications that allow you not only the theory, but the practical experience needed to build sophisticated marketing plans. Plus with everything online, the convenience is unmatched.

What was your favorite course and why?

I had two favorite courses: Mobile Marketing and Web Metrics and SEO. First, the instructors were great, but the hands-on experience with building both mobile campaigns and learning Google Analytics 4 (and getting certified in it!) was invaluable. Both mobile and analytics and SEO are such huge topics in digital marketing and the skills and techniques that I learned in those classes applied immediately to my work role.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

It is tough, but so very valuable in the skills and experience that you gain. Even if you have industry knowledge already, you will learn something new. If you want to be a better marketer, a better strategist, and a better analyst, holistically, then this is the right program for you.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

After graduation, I am going to sleep in on the weekends! LOL. But I'm also really looking forward to leading digital transformation at my organization.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

Time management is key to success in the program. Find a schedule/ routine that works for you for completing your assignments and stick to it. If you complete the accelerated program, you might find it very demanding, and you will most likely be sacrificing much of your free time, but it is so worth it to be done in a year. Remember to be good to yourself and you will make it through just fine!

Larissa Usher

Larissa Usher

M.S. Digital Marketing Communications
Communications Specialist at Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish
Charleroi, PA

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I graduated a semester early in December 2022 from WVU with a bachelor's degree in Communications Studies. During my final semester, I interned at a marketing agency. Upon completing the internship, I realized that my bachelor's degree coursework had given me an understanding of the basic marketing concepts, but I did not know how to execute and apply the concepts to create campaigns.

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was IMC 629 - Mobile Marketing with Professor Bob Bentz. I learned a lot in this course and enjoyed the hands-on assignments, such as creating a functioning SMS campaign.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

This program provides students with the skills needed to succeed in the workforce. It takes a lot of hard work, but you will learn valuable concepts and skills from professors with real industry experience.

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

After graduation, I will begin my full-time job search. In the meantime, I will continue to work at Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish as a part-time Communications Specialist and at the Back Porch Restaurant as the Social Media Manager. I hope to obtain a full-time position at a Pittsburgh-based marketing agency to gain more experience. In the future, I hope to work in the marketing department for a cosmetics brand.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

"Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey." - Michael Josephson

Gillian Wanosky

Gillian Wanosky

M.S. Integrated Marketing Communications with  Digital and Social Media Area of Emphasis
Marketing Communications Coordinator for Leidos
Harrison, NJ

Why did you choose to pursue a WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Degree?

I pursued journalism as an undergraduate degree at WVU, but the Reed College exposed me to so many other potential career opportunities in the broader media industry. I wanted to expand my expertise to make myself more marketable in marketing communications, and the IMC program helped me do just that!

Gillian Wanosky

What was your favorite course and why?

My favorite course in the IMC program was IMC 613: Brand Equity Management because we got to do a deep dive into a company's background and pinpoint areas of improvement. We examined every aspect of our chosen company to find ways to bring out its best qualities, and I found I was applying those skills in the jobs I was working at the time.

What advice do you have to those considering the programs?

I'm so thankful for this program because it provided an in-depth education in integrated marketing communications while giving me the flexibility to work other jobs. While I was on campus working as a graduate assistant, I had so many classmates working different jobs across the country - and our classes were these amazing melting pots of ideas coming from different backgrounds. If you're considering it but aren't sure you have time, I promise it will pay off!

Gillian Wanosky

What are your plans for after graduation and future career goals?

I have accepted a Remote Marketing Communications Coordinator position with Leidos. I'll be working specifically with Leidos' contract with the National Energy Technology Lab which provides scientific personnel, equipment and services to support research efforts. I look forward to helping this company effectively spread its message across various media platforms. I will also be moving to Harrison, New Jersey, to join my fiancé who has been working in the NYC area since August!

I see my future as an endless learning journey, and I look forward to exploring new industries as a communications professional!

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Or a quote you'd like to provide?

One of my favorite quotes is "No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid" from Lupita Nyong'o. Even when imposter syndrome sets in, it's important to remember how hard we've worked to be where we are today, and everyone deserves a seat at the table.

Interested in growing your career with a master's degree in Data, Digital or Integrated Marketing Communications? Request more information today!

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