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The Art of Video Marketing: A Guide to Promoting Your Brand


The Art of Video Making

Instagram, TikTok, the list continues. All of the social media platforms are going toward video. It's a powerful tool, allowing brands to engage with their audiences and convey their messages to drive conversions. Let's explore the fundamentals of video marketing strategy and how you can promote your brand effectively.

Know Your Audience

Before you start producing and editing videos, you have to know your audience. Your first step is to conduct market research to identify the demographics, interests and behaviors of your audience. Make sure the video is the right fit for your brand and consumers. These insights will help you create video content that resonates with your viewers and addresses their needs and pain points.

Define Your Goals

Determine the goals and objectives of your video marketing campaign (This is where a marketing plan comes in!). Maybe it is increasing brand awareness, or your generating leads, a clearly defined goal will guide your content creation and measurement efforts.

Craft Compelling Content

Your content needs to be high quality and relevant to your audience. Using your market research, create videos that are informative, entertaining and relevant. Consider different types of videos, such as product demonstrations, tutorials, customer testimonials or behind-the-scenes footage, to keep your content engaging.

Optimize for Search

Written content isn't the only thing Google is looking at. Video content can benefit from search engine optimization (SEO) as well! Optimize your video titles, descriptions and tags with relevant keywords to improve visibility on search engines and video-sharing platforms. Additionally, you should transcribe your videos to make them more accessible to viewers, while also enhancing SEO.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms are ideal for distributing and promoting your video content. Share your videos across multiple channels, including Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok, to reach a broader audience. Just be sure to stick to each platform's sizing and length preferences for the best reach. Encourage audience engagement by asking questions, soliciting feedback, and responding to comments and inquiries promptly.

Measure and Analyze

Track the performance of your video marketing efforts using analytics tools provided by social media platforms and video hosting sites. Metrics to watch for are views, engagement, watch time and conversion rates so you can assess the effectiveness of your videos and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

Are you looking to take your digital marketing skills to the next level? Consider enrolling in the Digital Marketing Communications online masters program at West Virginia University. Designed for professionals seeking to advance their careers in digital marketing, this comprehensive program covers a wide range of topics, including video marketing, social media marketing, content strategy, analytics and more. With flexible online courses taught by industry experts, WVU's Digital Marketing Communications online masters program equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in today's competitive marketplace.

Video marketing offers a dynamic and engaging way for brands to connect with their audience and achieve their marketing objectives. By following these tips and leveraging the resources available through WVU's M.S. Digital Marketing Communications program, you can develop a successful video marketing strategy that elevates your brand and drives results. Start creating compelling video content today and watch your brand soar to new heights!

WVU's Marketing Communications Online Program

The marketing communications landscape is constantly changing. Our programs are focused on what is happening next in marketing. With the M.S. in Digital Marketing Communications program, you'll learn how to meet your audiences where they are through SEO, organic and paid search, display marketing, social media marketing, marketing automation, content marketing, multi-channel analytics and desktop and mobile user experiences. With our M.S. in Data Marketing Communications you'll learn how to use data-driven decision-making to achieve better results and increase an organization’s return on investment. Or, if you're more digital focused, our M.S. in Digital Marketing Communications will give you the skills needed to meet your target audiences where they are, online.

Here are a few key courses in the programs

  • Social Media and Marketing. Examine the latest strategies for monitoring and engaging consumers in social media from a marketing perspective. Explore popular platforms that brands use to connect with, engage and analyze target audiences. (Includes two Meltwater certifications)
  • Campaign Metrics and Assessment. Explore how data informs key performance indicators that define a campaign’s success. Students examine how metrics can rely on data for maximum benefit and survey available metrics and assessment platforms.
  • Digital Storytelling. Explore advanced thinking and strategies for concepting, developing and promoting digital content used in product marketing and anchored in brand storytelling. Create visual content that reaches targeted audiences across various channels.
  • Emerging Media and the Market. Explore how modern industry uses novel technologies to enhance the integrated marketing communications process and examine the creative and ethical issues unique to emerging media.

The marketing communications industry demands smarter insights and better results across a variety of media. WVU offers the programs you need to excel in your career. Learn what’s happening in our industry now and what’s coming next from faculty who are practicing what they preach every day. Request more information on the program today!

Marketing Communications Online Programs

The marketing communications landscape is constantly changing. Our programs are focused on what is happening next in marketing. Learn more about our innovative programs.

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Marketing Communications Online Programs in Data, Digital and Integrated Marketing Communications

Meet the Author

Maddy Watson

Maddy Watson
Social Media Student Worker

Maddy is a senior journalism student with minors in marketing and public relations. This upcoming fall she will be a full-time M.S. IMC student. She is currently the student worker for the WVU Marketing Communications Graduate Programs. Maddy loves to spend her free time snowboarding, traveling and going to concerts!

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